A PTT Service

With NO Boundaries

Helping businesses connect teams with greater speed, efficiency and security for over 10 years.

Connecting your teams with instant group communication services

Introducing PTTI’s push-to-talk over cellular (POC) subscription-based group communication service. Instantly connect your teams across different devices, networks, and locations without expensive investment in infrastructure.

Using existing cellular and wifi infrastructure, our scalable POCIT PTT service upgrades traditional mobile radio (PMR) and land mobile radio (LMR), removing geographical limitations and increasing voice quality, all from our secure, private cloud.

Private secure cloud

Our industry leading push to talk over cellular software service utilizes existing cellular and wifi infrastructures, connected to PTTI’s secure, private cloud service. Now you can get the flexibility and scalability of the cloud, whilst keeping communication secure and compliant.

PTTI is a major contributor and supporter of the global push-to-talk standard OMA-POC 3GGP, which drives security standards, ensuring our POCIT PTT services deliver the same security as a traditional private mobile radio network infrastructure.

Cost saving group communication solutions

Deploying our PTTI solution removes the necessity for large capital investment, expensive licensing, and costly connectivity requirements. PTTI have invested in all these components, providing our clients scalability and flexibility at a click of a button, without, expensive investment

Our subscription model allows our clients to spread the cost of POC group communication over the term of the contract, which can be adjusted in real time, as your business needs change.

Cost is not the only major benefit, by using the existing infrastructure, promotes businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.

The key benifits to PTTI Software Solution

Anyone who currently uses mobile phones or two-way radios within their business will benefit from using POC. Here’s just a few of the industries that use POC as their communication solution.

Guaranteed uptime

PTTI have invested heavily in it’s core cloud infrastructure to ensure they meet the Tier 3 data center classification. This means no downtime when equipment requires maintenance or replacement, delivering 99.9999% uptime. Comparably, the meantime between failures (mtbf) is well beyond any traditional PMR system.

We have invested in ensuring that the optimal connectivity is in place with dedicated access point names. (APNs) with a large number of mobile operators, including multi network specialists.


Our PTTI POC service gives our clients the unique functionality to run multiple applications on a single device. This delivers a better ROI and gives professional organisations the ability to do more with less.

Often, remote or isolated workers are required to carry multiple devices and tools, they all have batteries that need to be kept charged. Being able to converge your multiple applications onto one of our devices increases productivity and performance, whilst also reducing the carbon footprint of using these devices.

Who we work with

Our POCIT PTT solution delivers a high end group communication subscription service that utilizes cellular, WIFI and broadband to connect teams across networks, locations and devices.

With access to our bespoke platform you will no longer have to suffer from coverage restrictions, expensive infrastructure investment and frustrating licensing administration. You’ll get boundary less coverage, at a fraction of the infrastructure cost and with no licensing restrictions.

STORM – Real time passenger information

PTTI was one of the world’s first companies to develop a low cost, cloud based passenger information system, making this type of service available and affordable to the public transport industry as a whole.

The STORM ™ system gives local authorities and bus operators accurate and real time information on how the vehicles are performing against their scheduled timetable. In addition it provides the public accurate predictions of bus arrival times.

Helping businesses keep workers safe

Businesses have a duty of care for their workers. Workplaces can be large, busy and full of potential dangers, whether that’s large machinery,vehicles or a security threat.

Using PTTI’s SafeStaff application provides management with visibility of their workforce, whilst ensuring remote or isolated workers are safe. This is especially prevalent during pandemics.

Using the Lone Worker, and Man Down applications, control is alerted when workers don’t feel safe or are involved in an accident.