A PTT Service

With NO Boundaries

Helping businesses connect teams with greater speed, efficiency and security for over 10 years.

Maximizing next generation technology for productivity

Busy hospitals require instant communications across a wide area. Keeping workers safe, knowing where staff are, and being able to allocate tasks is a fundamental requirement. The PTTI POC service allows you to do exactly that, with no expensive infrastructure and a guarantee of secure and encrypted communication. .

The PTTI service replaces traditional pager and radio solutions across the entire campus, enhancing the speed and the information given to the receiving party. Allowing more informed decisions to be made quicker than traditional communication tools.

Maximizing next generation technology for productivity

Whether it’s a cleaner, porter, or health professional, busy hospitals require instant communications to be able to deliver services effectively and keep workers safe. But also, using PTTI’s industry leading software allows for tasks across the campus to integrate other tools into the POC device, including task managers.

PTTI have extensive experience in providing converged solutions that will make personnel more productive.

Anyone who currently uses mobile phones or two-way radios within their business will benefit from using POC. Here’s just a few of the industries that use POC as their communication solution.

Keeping your staff safe, wherever they are

Hospitals and Large industrial complexes that run 24/7 often need staff to work alone and Using the PTTI Safe Staff application safeguards staff across the Campus. In the event of an accident, the device will send an alert remotely and instantly to a control room. This is integrated with the push-to-talk service and other tools, making it an important and practical tool.

Who we work with

Our POCIT PTT solution delivers a high end group communication subscription service that utilizes cellular, WIFI and broadband to connect teams across networks, locations and devices.

With access to our bespoke platform you will no longer have to suffer from coverage restrictions, expensive infrastructure investment and frustrating licensing administration. You’ll get boundary less coverage, at a fraction of the infrastructure cost and with no licensing restrictions.